It’s fall here in Wyoming and between the snow capped mountains and the leaves on the ground there is not much green grass. [Read more…]
Resentment is the number one offender
“Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.” – Nelson Mandela
How many hours, days, weeks, months, even years, yes years have I squandered away carrying resentments? I am embarrassed to even guess. Often in my active addiction I would drink or use AT people. That wasn’t very effective. [Read more…]
By Golly I FORGOT!
Hi, my name is Clairey and I’m addicted to nicotine. I am powerless over cigarettes and my life has become unmanageable. I have come to believe that a power greater than myself can restore me to sanity and I’ve been turning my will and my life over to this power….EVERY 5 MINUTES!! Good grief. Yup, all these 24 hours at a time later and multiple attempts to quit and stay quit off the smokes I’m back at Step 1, 2, & 3. Again. [Read more…]
Sticks and Stones…
This one is ‘from the vault’
I wrote the following some time ago in response to a friend’s niece who had lost one of her classmates to suicide. It really got me thinking how fortunate and blessed with God’s Grace I really am. I say God’s grace because that is the only explanation for the fact that I am still here and writing this to you all.
Courage to Change…
What a doozy of a day. I won’t say it was a bad day as I had many choices in how I reacted to each situation.
Nobody but me is in charge of my feelings. With one thing after another from 1:30-8:30 I had many an opportunity to flip out, be angry, be resentful, sit on the pity pot, be a victim and so on. Over & over I chose acceptance, love, and take it easy.
Close to a breaking point after dinner, again I had a choice. I chose to take care of me. I slipped away with nature radio playing, candles lit, and sat in a hot bath with almond oil and a mix of ‘acceptance’ oil and essential lavender, taking deep breaths and had an amazing meditation session. Wowza! I have not felt this serene and spiritual in quite sometime.
Just for today, I am grateful for the freedom to accept my own awareness and have the willingness to take the next right step in finding a solution.