As I look out the window into the cold night sky
I can’t help but wonder, “who am I ?”
I feel so small beneath the Milky Way
Then remember to give thanks for another day
I repeat ‘in with God’s will and out with mine’
Trying to stay present and not worry all the time
Cause you see all I have is this breath
Worry won’t do anything but bring me death
A physical or a spiritual death to me is the same
I didn’t get sober so my life would stay lame
I got sober cause I knew there was more to my life
I wanted to be a mom and of course a wife
So there are things that I must do from day to day
I must remember to meditate and to pray
Without my higher power I get all outta whack
God know’s I never want to go back on the crack!
So I do a few things every day at a time
In order for me to maintain a straight line
I am grateful for the tools I’ve picked up in program
But I still can not answer,without a title, who I am
I know I am a wife, mom, friend, daughter, sister, and niece
But gosh darn it I feel like I’m still missing a piece
I have a general idea and of course I have my story
I know I’m blessed with God and his glory
So maybe I should just practice what I preach
Let go and remain willing & open for god to teach
Cause today I know I am not running the show
Today I can choose to just go with the flow
Well then, I have my answer for now
Oh yeah, I forgot I was looking at stars…wow!
Ok I’m back in the present of this beautiful night
What a gift, I’m blessed and filled with delight
Siri or Divine intervention!?
Faith without works is dead!
Faith without works is dead! I can pray until I’m blue in the face but unless I take action and surrender my will, I’m just uttering a bunch of words.
I must cooperate with my Higher Power and focus on NOT doing the next wrong thing as I’m not always certain what the next right thing is.
Today my focus is going to be just that.
Ok boss, let’s do this ;0)