Just to be clear right off the bat…
If you have stumbled upon (hehe, I couldn’t resist) this website and are struggling with an addiction, I am not a Doctor, Psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist, alcohol & drug councilor, a recovery guru, etc. Feel free to contact me and ask me any questions you wish. I can only share with you what works for me. If you are in danger, Please call your local hospital, detox center, rehabilitation facility or 911 if you need help getting off drugs and yes alcohol is a drug too!
This site is NOT affiliated with any 12 step groups. Yes I, Clairey, am in recovery and attend 12 step groups but that is my deal so respect that please. If you are a member of any of these groups you will hear me quote, paraphrase, etc certain things i have picked up over the years and are just a part of my everyday lingo now. Mind you as much as I hate to admit it, I rarely have a 100% original thought or idea. And if you are being rigorously honest as well, neither do you. I am just another person with struggles who has found a solution and I’m not unique (defiantly special though). I am just as close to picking up as the next person. These fellowships DO NOT need me but I want & need them.
I wanted to blog about what it was like, what happened, and what it is like now. I can’t keep what I have unless I give it away. My hope is that more addicts/alcoholics will see that you can live a life without using.
Along with that I’d like the world to see that addicts/alcoholics can recover! We are not bad people, we are people with a disease. I do a lot to maintain my recovery on a daily basis. If I continue on this path, I have a chance!
If you want to read a little of my story see my About Me post
So with all that out of the way…
How bout a BIG ole cyber HUG to start off this blog
And a few random facts as well…
Did you know that hugs (unlike drugs)
are actually scientifically proven to:
- Create upbeat moods
- Reduce heart rates
- Lower blood pressure
- Increase nerve activity
- Reduce levels of cortisol (stress hormone) if they are over 20 seconds long
- Increase levels of oxytocin (bonding hormone)
- Boosts the immune system
- Builds self esteem
- Alleviates tension and releases endorphins
- Hugs are portable and they do NOT cost a thing! (Again unlike DRUGS!)