So last night after some personal struggles going on in between my ears I decided to just sit & listen to our bonfire and close friends and look up at the amazing sky.
As most of you know me, Clairey, being quiet, especially in a group…is a feat in itself. As I stare at the Milky Way and look at my fave Orion an amazing shooting star complete with great tail, shot directly out of Orion’s bow & arrow!
I shrieked with joy while squealing,”oh thanks God, that was AWESOME!”
After the gang left I took a hot bath and did some serious meditating and then prayed before going to sleep. I slept more soundly than i have in a long time and woke remembering only part of my dream.
A sweet angelic voice told me, “find your inner peace, as that is where you will discover the answers to your questions, “who is Clairey?” (not just a daughter, friend, wife, and mother) and “what does true happiness mean?” You and you only have the answers, just look deep within.
Trust & have faith in yourself as much as you do with your spiritual beliefs and the truth will be revealed.” I’ve been awake for 2 hours now and can still hear that voice from my dream as clear as a bell. I don’t ever remember being so deeply effected by a dream.
What an amazing gift.
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