As I’m sitting here in my new house we moved into November 1st just being overwhelmed with all this crap to do I think…
Ok, here are my choices, I could kill myself OR do it one box at a time
Honestly I really don’t care for either option. Shit, this sucks.
A big grin overtakes my face and I laugh out loud at myself.
Ok, Clairey, really? Over 5 years ago I didn’t have hardly any of this crap. No bed just a mattress, hell I didn’t sleep much anyways. No massive pots, pans, plates, bowls, glasses, utensils, casserole dishes, shit, I rarely ate. No massive amounts of clothes and shoes to figure out how to fit in a massive closet. (Ok, I’ve always had a crap ton of shoes) No dirty ass husband to clean up after! No 20 month old miracle baby boy to unpack all the wrong things, hit me in the head with the broom on accident, or break anything I’m trying to put away! No amazing connection with my mom to call her and have her say…”one box a day!” No friends that would be willing to help if I grew some balls and actually asked someone. No 12 step program so the thought of even trying to find a solution to life on life’s terms didn’t ever even come to mind. You get my point. My only problem then was where and when am I gonna get more drugs. And of course the obvious addiction problem and wondering if I could go one more time without overdosing.
So why did I laugh just now? I have a built in forgetter. I’ve been doing this recovery thing for long enough that on a moment to moment basis I don’t think about my past and where I am today. I’m just living my life the way it is now. Well thank goodness I stopped and remembered. Not only did I get the gift of laughing at myself but I remembered…
DANG, I seriously have a better class of problems these days.
Nicky Nuggets says
Good Golly
My dearest Clairey exactly the thing I needed to read right now. Im waiting to go into a meeting as we speak. Day 4 starting over sucks but its better than the other choices. Love you forever xoxo
Clairey @ High on Hugs says
Love you too! Willing to go to ANY lengths! Get yourself a sponsor & work those steps! That’s what I did & continue to do! In with God’s will, the promises can & will come true if you work it! ❤❤❤
Betsy Miller says
You are soo right. It is good that we can go forward and move beyond our past circumstances, but it is good to remember them and the effects that they created for us. I can look back on things that I would rather not have happened, yet I can look at myself now and see that I am a different person because of what happened in the past! You word your experiences so well…keep on counting the joys and the positives! P.s. the damn boxes will be there tomorrow! Enjoy your hubby and baby!
Clairey @ High on Hugs says
So very true! But I’ll enjoy him more when the new job starts up! LOL! Those boxes are gonna be there for many days if I don’t take action!❤❤
Paul says
first world problems eh? I was saying the same thing you were when I was trying to find a spot in the kitchen cupboards for a new salad spinner. A what? Where? In my recently renovated kitchen? huh? And I have a problem how? I too laughed about where I was and where I am now. Mind you, I don’t have quite the story you do. But the where I was then is mostly emotional, mental and spiritual. I still had *stuff*, but I didn’t use much because I was too wrapped up in self to do anything for anyone or do anything period. Like organize boxes, lol.
It’s amazing what happens when we shift our perpective. I need to do that on a regular basis, to be honest. Thanks for sharing this – gave me some new perspective too. I hope those boxes start to disappear sooner than later 🙂
Clairey @ High on Hugs says
LOL! A salad spinner? Oh my how times have changed! Funny thing is, I’ve always despised change. Until, like you said, I learned I could choose to make a shift in the way I perceive things. Miracles. Do. Happen. I am eternally grateful for second chances and thirds and fourths and the power to change. Ironically for me I gained power as soon as I admitted powerlessness!