A friend of mine shared a meme which read,
“Dear God, I want to take a minute not to ask for anything from you, but to simply say, Thank you for all I have.” [Read more…]
Living, Loving, & Laughing at Life in Recovery
A friend of mine shared a meme which read,
“Dear God, I want to take a minute not to ask for anything from you, but to simply say, Thank you for all I have.” [Read more…]
As I’m sitting here in my new house we moved into November 1st just being overwhelmed with all this crap to do I think…
Ok, here are my choices, I could kill myself OR do it one box at a time
Honestly I really don’t care for either option. Shit, this sucks.
A big grin overtakes my face and I laugh out loud at myself. [Read more…]
As I look out the window into the cold night sky
I can’t help but wonder, “who am I ?”
I feel so small beneath the Milky Way
Then remember to give thanks for another day
I repeat ‘in with God’s will and out with mine’
Trying to stay present and not worry all the time
Cause you see all I have is this breath
Worry won’t do anything but bring me death
A physical or a spiritual death to me is the same
I didn’t get sober so my life would stay lame
I got sober cause I knew there was more to my life
I wanted to be a mom and of course a wife
So there are things that I must do from day to day
I must remember to meditate and to pray
Without my higher power I get all outta whack
God know’s I never want to go back on the crack!
So I do a few things every day at a time
In order for me to maintain a straight line
I am grateful for the tools I’ve picked up in program
But I still can not answer,without a title, who I am
I know I am a wife, mom, friend, daughter, sister, and niece
But gosh darn it I feel like I’m still missing a piece
I have a general idea and of course I have my story
I know I’m blessed with God and his glory
So maybe I should just practice what I preach
Let go and remain willing & open for god to teach
Cause today I know I am not running the show
Today I can choose to just go with the flow
Well then, I have my answer for now
Oh yeah, I forgot I was looking at stars…wow!
Ok I’m back in the present of this beautiful night
What a gift, I’m blessed and filled with delight