“What we really have is a daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of our spiritual condition.” BB pg 85
A daily reprieve, that is all any of us really have. We heard it in treatment and we hear it in meetings…one day at a time and just for today.
The new year has started I notice my social media is filled with resolutions. How many times did I say, I want to be healthier this year, I want to drink less, be more responsible, be more adventurous, and so on? Hmmmm, every year I do believe. More often than not those resolutions became goals which turned into dreams that eventually just faded away and by summer were long forgotten.
The last few years in sobriety I have chosen a different path than the traditional New Year’s Resolution. If I am practicing living for the day, how on earth would it be reasonable to make a resolution for a whole year? I know myself and I’ve learned from my trials and my tribulations as well! This is a great example of those expectations I spoke of last time I wrote. Really it is all perception. That’s what our disease is all about right?
For myself, having small attainable goals, big dreams, and daily intentions is a bit more realistic. This way, if I do not succeed one day in whatever I was shooting for I can always work on it the next day. If I am sober all day, pray, meditate, practice principles, and so on, that’s the best achievement of the day really. Everything after that is a bonus! Boy do I love bonuses!
So just for today I intend to carry out God’s will. Sometimes I get hung up wondering exactly what God’s will is for me though. That is when this girl has to remember I know what God’s will is NOT. We just do our best, make right what we have done wrong, keep our side of the street clean, be of service, and don’t pick up…no matter what! If I do pick up, I come back. If I do wrong, I come back. My message to you this day for the next 365 days in a row is simply….keep coming back and the miracle will happen. I don’t know about you but to me, that sounds like a good plan. Happy New Year and remember….
Every day is a day when we must carry the vision of God’s will into all of our activities. “How can I best serve Thee-Thy will (not mine) be done.”
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