Hi! My name is Clairey and I’m a grateful recovering alcoholic! Today I would like our topic to be gratitude.Okay, raise your hand if you just read that and got a bit squeamish? You don’t have to lie; no one can see you, except for your higher power (I’m laughing out loud at myself). I think from time to time we’ve all felt like ducking out of the meeting when we heard the topic was gratitude! Of course I can only speak for myself.
Recently while writing about my struggles and sharing them with you all, my buddy Reed with Pavillon Alumni Services, suggested I lighten the mood for my next “Contemplations.” After a great giggle and some funny back and forth emails, I got to thinking. The goal here in recovery is to be happy, joyous and free….right? And sober of course!
My husband has picked on me for years for cringing at the gratitude topic. Often, my character defects are so loud and have a mind of their own. I have often felt like getting up and head butting whomever suggested that meeting topic. Don’t get me wrong, I have TONS to be grateful for! However, I always seem to relate more to the struggles of recovery. For me, those who share openly about life’s trials get my attention. That’s when I can relate most. As I told my friend Reed, “the struggles are real my friend!”
I find gratitude in the shares that aren’t all sunshine, rainbows, and sprinkles on top. I enjoy seeing how every struggling alcoholic has a safe place to share about their pain and receive support inside the rooms of recovery. We have the best deal on earth! REALLY! We can share our difficulties with the intention of helping others, knowing we are NOT alone! We can share and find a solution to dang near any issue. That is something to be grateful for! We can deal with life on life’s terms knowing the solution is never picking up. The solution is in our predecessors who have gracefully walked before us, in our literature, in the twelve steps, in our higher powers and in US! When we have the willingness to open up, let go of our egos, and ask for help; that’s when hope prevails and gratitude shines in all of its glory! (still laughing at myself)
And with that my friends, I am a grateful recovering alcoholic/addict!!
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